Spanish Courses - Two-week intensive courses - Zaoczne

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Szczegóły Spanish Courses - Two-week intensive courses - Zaoczne - Argentina - Za granicą

  • Szczegółowe informacje
    Along the same methodology, the number of hours covered in this modality will enable students to systematize the concepts covered.
    By the time they finish the 40 hour course, students will have covered five full units which will be complemented with reading activities, listening, booklets, and other extra-curricular activities.

    Course material and free bibliography

    For the entire course

    2 weeks-40 hours-Group Classes

    4 hours daily-Regular course. Starting every Monday. 4 hours a day. All levels.

Inne informacje związane z hiszpański

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Kontynuując przeglądanie strony, automatycznie wyrażasz zgodę na wykorzystanie ciasteczek.
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