Human Rights and Genocide Studies in Collegium Civitas

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Szczegóły Human Rights and Genocide Studies in Collegium Civitas - W ciągu tygodnia - Warszawa - Mazowieckie

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    Human Rights and Genocide Studies in Collegium Civitas

    MA in Human Rights and Genocide Studies - European Joint Postgraduate Programme is anchored in a set of values that challenge the mentality and psychology behind genocidal acts. It will equip you with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to make that challenge more effective and successful. Master of Arts in Human Rights and Genocide Studies is a unique inter-disciplinary postgraduate degree. The first of its kind in Europe, it will be taught in 4 universities:

    Collegium Civitas, Warsaw (Poland)
    European University-Viadrina,
    Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany)
    Kingston University, London (UK)
    Siena University, Siena (Italy)

    Students will spend the first semester of their study either at Kingston University in London or at the European University-Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder). During the second semester they will study at any of the four universities, different from the one where they studied during the first semester. In the third semester, students will complete an internship and write their dissertation under the supervision of a professor from the chosen university.

    Program structure

    The program is divided into 7 streams and each stream is further divided into modules (courses). Whereas same streams are taught at all participating universities, the particular modules vary. This is to ensure that all students will receive the same quality education in Human Rights and Genocide Studies, while being able to deepen their interests and choose
    from a wide selection of modules provided by the participating institutions. For the complete list of modules click here.

    The first semester
    Stream 1: Human Rights – Legal and Institutional Frameworks
    Stream 2: Case Studies in Genocide and Mass Violence
    Stream 3: Research Methods
    Stream 4: Responses to Mass Atrocities – Legal Measures, Peacekeeping and Reconciliation

    The second semester
    Stream 1: Human Rights – Legal and Institutional Frameworks (cont.)
    Stream 2: Case Studies in Genocide and Mass Violence (cont.)
    Stream 4: Responses to Mass Atrocities – Legal Measures, Peacekeeping and Reconciliation (cont.)
    Stream 5: Humanitarian Intervention – Legal and Institutional Protection

    The third semester
    Stream 6: Internship
    Stream 7: Dissertation

    Program universities have secured internship placements for all the students in various national and international agencies and organizations. Nevertheless each student may individually arrange an internship for him or herself (upon approval of the Program Director).

    Students will choose a supervisor for their dissertation from any of the participating universities, according to their research field. Students may also be able to choose a supervisor from one of the associated universities.

    Modules at Collegium Civitas

    Students who will decide to spend one semester of their studies at Collegium Civitas will be able to choose four modules or more from the following:

    • Human rights organizations
    • Legal problems of human rights
    • Holocaust and genocide
    • Truth and reconciliation
    • Holocaust memory and impact
    • International negotiations and responsibility to protect
    • Techniques of negotiation

    These courses will be thought by the most prominent scholars and practitioners including Marek Antoni Nowicki, former UN’s international ombudsman for Kosovo; Ryszard Żółtaniecki, former ambassador of Poland to Greece and Cyprus; Maciej Kozłowski, former ambassador of Poland to Israel; and Mariusz Handzlik, Head of the Office of International Affairs at the President of Poland Chancellory.

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