Executive Contemporary Issues in International Finance for Business

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Szczegóły Executive Contemporary Issues in International Finance for Business - W ciągu tygodnia - Londyn - Anglia

  • Szczegółowe informacje
    Executive Contemporary Issues in International Finance for Business:
    Course Type: London GISMA
    Career Path: Business
    Course Category: Executive
    This short-course programme uses practical, hands-on teaching methods and aims to tackle contemporary practical issues rather than theory. Business-focused and hosted in the centre of the world’s financial services capital, this course aims to get ‘under the skin’ of college text book solutions to topics such as international Capital Asset Pricing Models, the Law of One Price and Comparative Advantage Theory. 
    Course Requirements:
    Bachelor degree or professional equivalent,  At least 3 years’ related 
    Language level: Proof of fluency in English.
    Course Duration: 4 days
    Online: No
    Campus Based: Yes
    Locations: London
    Education at GISMA Business School ...
    • Merges business experience and practice with academia and theory through customised, experiential and interactive learning;
    • Strives for the development of a new kind of business leader, valuing the role of business in society, corporate sustainability, ethical awareness and stakeholder interests;
    • Increases knowledge about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and bridges natural and social sciences in hybrid forms;
    • Applies blended learning and digital technologies to complement human abilities and understands how digital disruption is changing the human condition;
    • Is rooted in a liberal arts context and integrates a humanity-minded approach that stays adaptable and reactive in a rapidly changing world;
    • Places language learning and communication skills at the forefront enabling students with rhetorical and client-facing skills to meet interpersonal and cross-cultural challenges.

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