Summer University on Economics and Management

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Summer University on Economics and Management

  • Cele Summer University is a very popular idea among students from all over the world.
    Summer University Warsaw (SUW) is a 2-week-long course on economics and management carried out by Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). The program is organized during summer holidays, usually in July, in Warsaw, Poland. It is addressed to foreign students. SUW is a chance for you to broaden your economic knowledge as well as to meet new cultures and people from different countries.
  • Szczegółowe informacje Summer University Warsaw is a great project that gives you:

    2 weeks of academic courses combining theoretical as well as practical approach,
    8 ECTS points after passing final exam,
    Possibility to take part in workshops prepared in cooperation with international companies,
    Opportunity to meet the most influential people from Polish politic and economic life;
    Exceptional intercultural experience in one of the most rapidly developing countries in Europe.

    Summer University Warsaw is an unforgettable experience, because:

    • you will meet new students from various countries and business and economic schools from whole Europe,
    • trips to famous cities and places like Cracow, Sandomierz, Wieliczka and Oswiecim will make you know the Polish culture better,
    • partying in the best clubs and pubs in Warsaw will provide you an unforgettable experience :) 
    • common meals, spending free time and sharing different cultures will help you in making friendships for life! 

    Academic programe:
    The course contains 64 academic hours realized during 2 weeks (10 academic days). Lectures are provided in English by SGH academic lecturers, with at least PhD title. Participants are expected to attend all lectures and workshops, which are usually scheduled between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The program is equivalent to 8 ECTS points.

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Inne informacje związane z ekonomia

  • Ekonomia - Kurs

  • Centrum: Polski Uniwersytet Wirtualny
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  • Ekonomika i Analiza Przedsiębiorstw - Kurs

  • Centrum: Polski Uniwersytet Wirtualny
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  • Makroekonomia - Kurs

  • Centrum: Polski Uniwersytet Wirtualny
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  • Studia Podyplomowe-Analiza Danych Ekonomicznych z Wykorzystaniem Narzędzi Informatycznych

  • Centrum: OLYMPUS Szkoła Wyższa im. Romualda Kudlińskiego
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  • Studia I Stopnia - Ekonomia

  • Centrum: WSHiP-Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Prawa im. Ryszarda Łazarskiego w Warszawie
  • Więcej informacji
  • Studia I Stopnia - Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics

  • Centrum: WSHiP-Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Prawa im. Ryszarda Łazarskiego w Warszawie
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  • Studia I Stopnia - Ekonomia

  • Centrum: Polish Open University- Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania
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