Studia Podyplomowe - Professional Development in International Business

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Studia Podyplomowe - Professional Development in International Business

  • Profil słuchacza / wymogi The program is dedicated to people who are or want to become professionally active in the global business environment and are ready to learn and practice a systemic approach in their career development.
    A willingness to adopt the role of responsible partner in relation to the corporate environment and taking the leader position in the future is crucial.
    To name the positions that are attainable for the course graduates would work against its main idea that underlines the opportunities created by the technological changes, market unpredictability and a new role of individual’s creativity and invention in shaping the business world.
  • Szczegółowe informacje Program objectives:
    The course focuses on international business career development and its objective is to:
    • equip students with the knowledge and understanding of the principal trends that are to be identified in the global market economy and shape the way multinational corporations, international companies and local business operate
    • provide the tools for building an independent career based on identifying strategic customers and  practicing excellence in serving them The relationships between major market players facing most burning economic, environmental and social issues as well as rapid change in all areas of business activity have created a very complex and dynamic matrix.
    The biggest challenge for any professionally active person today has become to satisfy the ever growing demands of employers and customers. In order to do so one has to be able to recognize the major shift that is taking place right in front of our eyes and is, therefore, so difficult to perceived.
    As professor Marshall McLuhan, who created the global village idea, said already in the late 60’s of the last century:

    Most people (...) still cling to what I call the rearview-mirror of their world. By this I mean to say that because of the invisibility of any environment during the period of its innovation, man is only consciously aware of the environment that preceded it; in other words, an environment becomes fully visible only when it has been superseded by a new environment; thus we are always one step behind in our view of the world.*

    The main idea of the IBD program is to catch the glimpse of what is currently going on in the international business environment, adjust to the changes and even more, benefit from them.

    The relationship between employers and employees is changing into the one based on real partnership. To be able to notice and understand this phenomena, that will radically transform the way career development is managed, one has to learn how big business organizations are created, structured and managed, what major trends they interact with in a global context are, what they expect from the people who cerate and manage them and how to deal with their demands on a daily basis to create sustainable growth to all parties involved.

    Systemic perspective as a founding theory, Personal Product as an operating model and Appreciative Inquiry as a technique for getting the most from daily challenges provide a program frame.

    What makes this program unique?
    • The course identifies the main forces of change and prepares the participants to face the challenges of the future management practice;
    • The 180 hours program is presented and discussed entirely in English what helps students to feel at ease in English speaking, international business community;
    • Students have an opportunity to define and present their Personal Product what strengthens their position on the market;
    • Faculty - business professionals, diplomats, acknowledged leaders and achievers, trainers and academics - come from different countries of origin and bring in diverse expertise in the field of their profession;
      They know the challenges the boardrooms face today from their own experience and are therefore the best possible way showers for the future leaders who attend the course.
    • The small group size enables coaching formula to be applied;
    • The IBD program designed by Maria Moszyńska, a Systemic Approach to Management & Personal Development coach, trainer and consultant represents interdisciplinary perspective.
    • You will posses the knowledge about the main forces creating the global business market, basic information about international economics and multinational corporations – their structures, strategies and the directions of further development and have a clearer picture of the main players active on a global market.
    Throughout the course you will be directed to focus on your Customer Service Excellence...
    • You will learn what systemic approach is and how you can practice it to raise your business activity effectiveness operating in a corporate environment as an employee or employer.
    • You will get an understanding of what your Personal Product is, define it and will be able to use it to strengthen your market value.
    • You will develop the skills of using Appreciative Inquiry what will dramatically lower the overall costs of any project you will undertake.
    • You will get an idea in what way you can influence the corporate culture to transform it into the one that suits and supports your real needs and values.
    • You will get an new understanding of how you as an individual and you as a company can communicate with the internal and external business environment, expand your knowledge on the cross – cultural communication and get fluency in English what will give you the comfort of communicating at ease with every corner of the world.
    • You will get information on corporate responsibility and sustainable development and will be able to decide if and why you want to include this dimension into your professional career.
    • You will practice creating your business plan, pricing your product and negotiating.
    • You will experience a teamwork with the people, who – like yourselves – are ready to introduce change into their professional life, taking the full responsibility for it and following what Albert Einstein put as: No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.
    Program outline:

    International Business Environment:
    • International Economics
    • Global Business Dynamics        
    • Multinational Corporations & their strategies
    • Corporate culture
    • Corporate Responsibility  
    The Basics of Communication:
    • Interpersonal Communication  
    • Intercultural Communication        
    • Internal & External Company Communication 
    • Communication in Sales 
    Sales And Negotiations:
    • Pricing Strategies & Sales Negotiations        
    • Business Plan
    Systems Thinking In Management And Leadership:
    • Systemic Approach and Learning Organization  
    • Personal Product Model
    • Appreciative Inquiry & Managing Change 
    • Core Competencies of a Leader
    Class Sessions:
    The 180 course hours are structured into classes that are held on two Saturdays and Sundays  each month in one of the Tischner locations in Krakow.
    The typical daily schedule is from 9:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break.

    Teaching Style:

    The program, designed to provide practical knowledge and skills, is taught entirely in English and uses interactive and participative formula of workshops and seminars. Students are engaged in case analysis, experiential exercises, simulations and problem set discussions.
    Studies conclude with the Personal Product  and Business Plan Presentation, a defense of a project that a student develops throughout an academic year.
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