Studia II Stopnia-Information Technology

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Studia II Stopnia-Information Technology

  • Profil słuchacza / wymogi Oferta skierowana jest do wszystkich, którzy przeszli pozytywnie rekrutację na ścieżkę polskojęzyczną.
  • Tutuł uzyskany Master
  • Szczegółowe informacje Master Program
    Information Technology

    Graduates are familiar with mathematical tools and their IT application in supporting economic research. They have the knowledge and skills to make decisions related to companies and sectors as well as the international global economy.

    They are able to:

    * use information technologies to manage information and economic processes
    * conduct research in the IT and economic sectors, with emphasis on:
    -identifying and naming research issues
    -selecting research tools and econometric models
    -empirical data analysis
    -ability to interpret empirical data

    A practical approach to teaching is reflected in the practice oriented coursework: Macroeconomics illustrates basic principles combined with the experience of real life case studies, Operations Research applications are discussed in the context of a real market dilemma in the areas of finance, marketing, and operations management, Statistics course provides a balance between statistics theory and application, Forecast and Simulation are discussed in the context of application to manufacturing, retail, and service industries, Mathematical Economics places emphasis on the interpretation of numerical indicators in the economic context, Decision Games course is carried out in the form of a business simulation, which imitates the competitive, ever changing market. As opposed to the traditional textbook-based course, participants learn and gain experience by making true-to-life business decisions. Introductory Computer Sciences, Computer Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Introductory Computer Networks, Advanced Computer Networks, Networks Security, Databases and Computer Graphics and Animation are taught in the form of lectures and workshops in computer labs. Students are offered internships.

    Graduates obtain a Master's Degree in Information Technology and are employed in IT companies, IT centers and research institutions which use information technologies, and in centers for business data processing holding positions as designers, analysts and system programmers. They are also employed by public administration and other institutions dealing with economic trend planning and creation of other possibilities.

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Inne informacje związane z technologie informatyczne

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