Studia II Stopnia - Global Business Management

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Studia II Stopnia - Global Business Management

  • Cele Welcome to the Postgraduate Global Business Management programme taught in English. You will stay with us for an intense 4 semesters, during which you complete over 25 different subjects from all major management areas. During this time we will prepare you to become an effective manager able to understand every area of international business and be able to perform in every division of a company. This wide-ranging knowledge will offer you flexibility, professionalism and awareness for your later career — capabilities much desired in today’s speedily-changing world. The combination of TWO Masters degrees assures easy and successful employment, and sends a powerful message to employers about YOUR qualities, skills, knowledge and inter-cultural experiences. University of Wales particpation assures the highest quality of teaching (all UoW-validated programmes are subject to the same UK Quality Assurance Agency criteria as any programme in the UK). The program attracts people from all over the world. Together we establish a demanding but exiting atmosphere of multiple cultures and world views. All our students and teachers are multi-lingual which makes English the first (but not only) language of communication at WSB-NLU. During your study you will: - work on your own, - prepare group projects and presentations, - be required to read books, academic articles, magazines on a wide variety of topics, etc. - deal with demanding situations, - discover how to react to pressure, academic demands, - deal with interpersonal and intercultural issues.
  • Profil słuchacza / wymogi Entry Requirements 1. The programme is open to students from WSB-NLUs ZiMANG who have completed 3 years of undergraduate study (licencjat-holders and “jednolite” students). 2. The programme is open to students from WSB-NLUs ZiMPOL, who have completed 3 years of undergraduate study (licencjat-holders and “jednolite” students) and have progressed beyond the BEFL1 stage of WSB-NLU English education. 3. External students, who have completed 3 years of undergraduate study (licencjat-holders) in economics, management and related areas and who possess the appropriate level of English language knowledge (confirmed by formal placement or presenting of acceptable certificates). External (non-WSB) candidates must be approved by the University of Wales external moderator.
  • Tutuł uzyskany Upon completion, our graduates receive: - "Master of Science in Global Business Management" from University of Wales, United Kingdom; - "Magister in Management" (Magister z Zarzadzania) from WSB-NLU, Poland
  • Szczegółowe informacje Master in Global Business Management


    The current wave of globalisation has brought with multiple challenges to business activity, on the local, regional, national and international scale. This programme is intended to show the major determinants of, and major forces acting upon, the global business environment, and present the challenges and opportunities to management of companies at all levels.

    To present:

    1. The global business environment.
    2. The major forces affecting the global business environment.
    3. The major actors on the global scene.
    4. The major issues, which enhance the complexity of the global environment.
    5. The solutions to existing and emerging business challenges on a global scale.

    Alumni profile
    Upon completion of the programme, the student will:
    1. Understand the global business environment, with all the factors and forces that affect it.
    2. Understand the rationale behind global, regional and inter-national trade in the 21st century         and be able to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of countries and industries as potential     business partners.
    3. Understand the role that Transnational and NGO institutions play in the creation of the global         trading system through the development of global, international and regional law.
    4. Know the institutions and forces behind the current form of the global system.
    5. Appreciate the benefits of monetary integration and its application to business on the global         scene.
    6. Be able to develop a global marketing campaign, based on sound rationale.
    7. Understand the role that system dynamics modelling and policy-making have in global business     and be able to use in real life.
    8. Possess advanced problem-solving techniques rooted in advanced management theory.
    9. Understand the role that different cultures play in global business, economics, politics and be         able to adapt to a multi-cultural environment.

    During the programme, the student will acquire/advance:

    1. Analytical and research skills.
    2. Mathematical/statistical and modelling skills.
    3. Understanding of applied economics (micro, macro, international).
    4. Team cooperation skills, via the completion of team-based exercises, presentations, projects.
    5. Independent work skills, via the completion of required assignments, essays, etc.

    This degree is validated by the University of Wales, UK. For Further details regarding the University and its validation services.
    Semester      Subjects      Degree      Hours

    1     Advanced Microeconomics     WSB     30
    1     Mathematics in Economics     WSB     45
    1     Research methods     WSB     30
    1     Global Trade Law     GBM     30
    1     Applied Political Geography     GBM     30
    1     Applied International Economics     GBM     30
    1     Elective: To Be Selected (offered October of every year)     GBM     30
    1     Elective: To Be Selected (offered October of every year)     GBM     30
                total:     255
    2     Advanced Macroeconomics     WSB     45
    2     Statistics in Business     WSB     45
    2     Information Retrieval     GBM     30
    2     Advertising Worldwide     GBM     30
    2     Business Dynamics & Policy Making     GBM     30
    2     Monetary Unions and Global Business     GBM     30
    2     Advanced Strategic Management     WSB     30
    2     Masters Dissertation Seminar     GBM&WSB     30
                total:     285
    3     Forecasting & Simulation     WSB     45
    3     Economics of High Technology     WSB     30
    3     Inter-Cultural Communication     GBM     30
    3     Leadership & Global Management     GBM     30
    3     Elective: To Be Selected (offered October of every year)     GBM     30
    3     Elective: To Be Selected (offered October of every year)     GBM     30
    3     Masters Dissertation Seminar      GBM&WSB     30
                 total:     225
    4     Civil Law     WSB     30
    4     Concepts of Management     WSB     30
    4     Logistics     WSB     30
    4     Process Management     WSB     30
    4     Psychology in Management     WSB     30
    4     Int. Marketing/Security     WSB     30
                total:     180

    Core subjects

    * Applied International Economics, 30 hours.

    Focuses on detailed analysis of advanced international trade theory, with up-to-date trade information used as the basis of in-depth analysis. Includes: reasons to trade, economic growth, trade promotion and restriction, global development and underdevelopment, globalisation, processes of global shift, competitive advantage of nations and industries. In-depth case studies cover individual topics, ending with student presentations/essays, deepening knowledge passed in-class.

    * Global Trade Law, 30 hours.

    Focuses on the top-down processes of international law and trade law that are initiated on the level of global institutions (UN, WTO) and are then enforced on the regional (EU, NAFTA), national or local scale.

    * Applied Political Geography, 30 hours.

    Focuses on the spatial structure of political behaviour including the effects of the economic globalization process, the eruption of separatist movements among national minorities, rise of terrorism, crisis of the nation-state model and the importance of geopolitics to the formation of new political and economic orders. Students are exposed to the key elements in the political behaviour of actors, ranging in scale from the individual to the group on to the nation state and international organizations. This course presents an overview of the field of political geography and explores the centripetal and centrifugal dimensions of personal space, territoriality, regionalism, population growth and resource distribution, environmental degradation, boundary disputes, the rise and fall of nation states and civilization conflicts.

    * Monetary Unions and Global Business, 30 hours.
    Focuses on the role that monetary integration plays in the global environment, and presents the rationale behind the creation of monetary unions, with emphasis placed on in-depth analysis of existing unions: the importance of monetary integration for economic development, the role that monetary unions play in the world trade and global investment (both direct and portfolio), the developments in regional monetary integration in four non-European monetary unions and Euro Area and the influence of monetary integration on Globalisation.

    * Advertising Worldwide, 30 hours.

    Focuses on understanding of advertising in global market place: international and global advertising, its differences and similarities with general advertising. The wider and more complicated environment asks for more information and knowledge when planning and executing advertising worldwide. In depth cases cover topics of global interest, related to other modules: marketing NGO’s, marketing integration, marketing the Euro, etc.

    * Business Dynamics and Policy Making, 30 hours.
    Focuses on system dynamics modeling for the analysis of business policy and strategy, visualizing a business organization in terms of the structures and policies that create dynamics and regulate performance. System dynamics draws on feedback theory and techniques of mathematical modeling and computer simulation to elucidate the relationships dynamic behaviour they exhibit over time. A common theme that runs through the course is the search for connections between the behaviour of people (and groups) in organizations and the organizational trajectories they generate.

    * Leadership in Global Management, 30 hours.

    Focuses on the opportunities available to modern global management, based on creative approaches to organisational and institutional problems. In-depth cases, based on Harvard Business School materials, allow students to gain practical understanding of specific solutions.

    * Inter-cultural communication, 30 hours.
    Building upon fundamental theories of culture and cultural differences, the course focuses on the major theoretical approaches to researching and understanding ICC, the nature of the communication process, the nature of relationships and their role in ICC, the nature of competencies in an ICC setting, and practical solutions to inter-cultural variations. In-depth case studies of particular cultures, stereotypes and conflicts that have direct influence on international business activity.

    Research subjects

    To gain their degree students are required to write, submit and defend a dissertation. To assist them in this task, WSB-NLU offers two compulsory modules, that must be completed as precursors to the act of writing the Masters dissertation:

    * Information Retrieval, 30 hours.
    The module provides information about the theory and practice of Internet search engines and ways of utilising them in the creation of a personal catalogue of interesting indicators (knows also as links) for a specific topic area. Discussions of business applications are also undertaken, focusing on time- and cost-effective generation of information form the Internet.

    * Research Methods, 30 hours.
    The course provides an understanding of varied epistemological positions, as well as multiple methods applicable to the process of researching modern social science disciplines.


    At the end of their studies, students write an independent piece of work. On successful completion of this module students know about: How to form a clear hypothesis and research question. The critical and academically rigorous review of related literature. The identification of appropriate research tools and techniques. The acquisition of primary and secondary data. The rigorous analysis and evaluation of data. Key transferable skills: Work with minimum guidance; Identify and select relevant information from available resources; Deal with complex problems, using appropriate concepts, models and tools for problem identification, definition and resolution; Use written formats to communicate ideas and information clearly, effectively and in a reasoned way.

    Elective subjects

    * International Issues in Service Marketing, 30 hours.

    Services usually represent more than 70% of GDP in developed countries and as such require an in-depth understanding of their function, components and processes for any future business leader. The course, building on existing marketing knowledge obtained at the undergraduate level, investigates the specific challenges facing service marketers, with a focus on international issues. It will provide a solid foundation for understanding the intricate complexities of services and the effects of globalization and the associated cultural variations on the success, failure and recovery in service delivery.

    * Investment Strategies, 30 hours.
    Old and new market theories will be discussed, including portfolio theory, behavioural finance, psychological and cyclical influences on securities prices, fundamental and technical analysis. The course, however, revolves around behavioural finance. We will try to explain anomalies that we observe in the financial markets - apparent mispricing and inefficiencies that are not consistent with the classical economic models of rational behaviour.

    * International Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility, 30 hours.

    The purpose of this course is to analyze the connection between corporate social responsibility and economic activity from global perspective. Students are exposed to the modern management dilemmas based on paradoxes such as: globalization versus local adaptation of business strategy, profitability versus social responsibility. This course presents an overview of the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

    * Business Valuation, 30 hours.

    This course develops and enhances an economic framework for business analysis and valuation. This framework covers key analysis components such as business strategy analysis, accounting analysis, financial analysis, and prospective analysis, with a strong emphasis on assets' valuation. This framework is then applied to a variety of decision contexts including credit analysis, securities analysis, merger and acquisition analysis, corporate financial policies analysis, and management communications analysis.

    * Strategic Information Systems (subject to approval by University of Wales).
    In the era of global combat for commercial dominance, that is conducted by nations, corporations and companies, the role of commercial information acquisition is constantly increasing. The dissemination of computer technologies, intranets, the Internet, brings forth increasingly powerful tools and opportunities for their use regarding the creation of competitive advantage. Countries and their citizens, companies and their employees, even processes and systems can become a valuable source of information, while information systems themselves can be disrupted or destroyed.

    * Global Media (subject to approval by University of Wales).
    This module presents the role of media in the global eocnomic, social and political environments, as well as analysing media as a global industry with its own processes, challenges and opportunities.

    This degree is validated by the University of Wales, UK. For Further details regarding the University and its validation services, please log on to or email
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