Profesjonalny Kurs Rozliczania Projektów Unijnych

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Profesjonalny Kurs Rozliczania Projektów Unijnych

  • Cele Cele:
    *omówienie procesu sprawozdawczości i dokumentowania wykonanych zadań, poniesionych kosztów kwalifikowalny i niekwalifikowanych oraz procesu realizacji wskaźników w odniesieniu do zapisów zawartych we wniosku o dofinansowanie i umowie dotacyjnej;
    *zdobycie praktycznej wiedzy oraz umiejętności niezbędnych do prawidłowego rozliczenia i zamknięcia projektu współfinansowanego ze środków unijnych (POKL i POIG);
  • Szczegółowe informacje
    Date: March 18, 2011.
    Place: SZCZECIN

    * Discuss the reporting process and documenting the tasks performed in eligible costs and ineligible costs, and the implementation of indicators in relation to the records contained in the application and Grant Agreement;
    * Gain practical knowledge and skills necessary for the proper clearance and closure of the project co-funded by EU (HCOP and OPIE);

    Benefits for participants:
    Participants will gain the necessary knowledge of the clearance of projects co-financed by EU funds:
    * The eligibility of the costs of projects under the grant;
    * In the preparation of appropriate documentation;
    * Accounting under the accounting of the grant.

    Target group:
    The course is intended both for the beneficiaries of projects financed from EU funds, persons responsible for implementation and accountability of the subsidized projects, public administration, NGOs, and prospective applicants.

    As the first training institution in Poland, we'll make sure to also open training courses were tailored to the expectations and work style of the participants! Individualization of training - through its participation in such training, participants are achieving the expected level of competency by the employer and skills.

    Training is conducted by modern methods to involve all participants. Classes will be conducted in workshop mode, lecture-based techniques to actively work with the group. Participants will receive teaching and training materials to allow for further improvement of skills.

    The expert, a coach with extensive experience in training moving to raise issues and settlement of projects co-financed by EU funds. Associate, lecturer at the School of European University. Fr. Jozef Tischner, AGH im. Staszic. Consultant in a multi-annual project accounting, costing and business investment plans. The lecturer uses the most effective techniques for transferring knowledge, recognized specialists in their field. It is characterized by high interpersonal skills, creativity and extensive knowledge of the processes of implementation and management of projects co-financed by EU funds.

    Detailed program:
    1. The duly completed Application for Payment.
    2. Deadlines for the submission of the Application for Payment:
    * Intermediate
    * Final
    3. Documents which the beneficiary has to submit to the Application:
    * Copies of accounting documents
    * Copies of bank statements
    * Copies of documents proving the acquisition of fixed assets
    4. Payment.
    5. Generator Applications for Payment.
    6. Salaries in projects: the soft and investment.
    7. Accounting for leases.
    8. Description of accounting documents.
    9. Obligations of the Beneficiary during the implementation of projects and in its accounting.
    10. Irregularities in the implementation of the project or its settlement.
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