Master in Psychology

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Master in Psychology

  • Cele Psychology in English is a 5-year program (10 semesters) leading to a master's degree in psychology.
    If you choose to study Psychology in English at Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities you wil benefit from the expertise of top specialists in Poland.

    Studying Psychology in English gives you the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the highest quality, consistent with the most recent trends.

    You also have the opportunity to interact with renowned experts from Poland, Europe, and the United States and to use the most up-to date textbooks in their coursework. Finally, you will study with other students from Poland, European countries, the United States, China, Africa and many more. This gives you a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures and become the citizen of the world.
  • Szczegółowe informacje Psychology in English follows the path of general psychology to give students a possibility to create their own plan of studies (by choosing from many elective classes) and to gain wide psychological knowledge without forcing them to choose one concrete specialization.

    As you can see in a table below - 27 electives give students the opportunity to gain knowledge in various areas in psychology. Thanks to such large number of electives your course of studies depends more on your choice. You can try various aspects of psychology, or choose electives relating to the area you are mostly interested in.

    At the 4th and 5th year you can choose specialization modules such as: Marketing and Advertising, Training and Development and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

    Program of Studies:

    Introduction to psychology
    Statistics and methodology
    Introduction to logic
    Statistical procedures
    Statistics and methodology
    Statistical procedures
    Ethical Issues in Psychology
    Mental health
    Psychology of Personality
    Social Psychology
    Social Psychology
    Psychology of emotions and motivation
    Psychology of individual differences
    General psychology II
    Cognitive psychology
    Developmental psychology l
    Psychometrics: psychological testing
    Introduction to psychological assessment
    Emotions, motivation and cognition
    Assessment in Psychology: Interview, qualitative methods
    Standard diagnostic techniques
    Psychology as a helping profession
    English for Psychology
    Empirical program: empirical research
    Physical education workshop
    Applied psychology

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  • Studia I i II Stopnia - Psychologia w Zarządzaniu

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