Grenoble MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

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Grenoble MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

  • Szczegółowe informacje
    Grenoble MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship.
    Course Type: Postgraduate

    Career Path: Business

    Course Category: MSc

    Awarding body / Certified by: Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM)
    The Grenoble MSc Innovation, Strategy & Entrepreneurship is designed for students who want to be successful entrepreneurs or innovative managers. The programme covers key concepts of general management, plus modules focused on entrepreneurial skills. The MSc ISE allows students to participate in a live business case with a real company, an international study residency and a variety of workshops. This programme is studied over two years, one academic year (on campus) + Final Management Project (FMP) (12 months parallel with an internship or full-time employment). Free beginner's German classes for all students. Flexible payment plans available! 

    Your place of study.

    Berlin is the second largest city in the EU and has a thriving business scene, offering a range of job opportunities to young professionals and graduates. In addition to its rich cultural and political history, it is now becoming famous for its wealth of flourishing tech companies and growing number of successful entrepreneurs. Germany is the most popular option for international students looking to study in Europe. It is recognised for its high-quality education and you can experience this with GISMA.

    Course Requirements.
    • 2:1 undergraduate degree from a recognised university
    • English proficiency: TOEFL internet-based: 94 (at least 22 in each band), computer-based: 240, paper-based: 587 or IELTS: 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in all areas) or Cambridge Proficiency Exam: A, B, C or Pearson Test of English (PTE): minimum of 63 or a degree obtained in English or a native English speaker
    • 3 essays (300 words each) focusing on your academic and professional experience;
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • The names of two professional or academic referees
    • Work experience is not a requirement 
    Course Duration.
    24 months (one academic year full-time on campus + Final Management Project (FMP).
    The FMP can be completed remotely, from anywhere in the world. 
    Online. No
    Campus. Yes
    Based Locations. Berlin
    Education at GISMA Business School...
    • Merges business experience and practice with academia and theory through customised, experiential and interactive learning;
    • Strives for the development of a new kind of business leader, valuing the role of business in society, corporate sustainability, ethical awareness and stakeholder interests;
    • Increases knowledge about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and bridges natural and social sciences in hybrid forms;
    • Applies blended learning and digital technologies to complement human abilities and understands how digital disruption is changing the human condition;
    • Is rooted in a liberal arts context and integrates a humanity-minded approach that stays adaptable and reactive in a rapidly changing world;
    • Places language learning and communication skills at the forefront enabling students with rhetorical and client-facing skills to meet interpersonal and cross-cultural challenges.

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