Bachelor in International Hospitality Management

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Bachelor in International Hospitality Management

  • Szczegółowe informacje Bachelor in International Hospitality Management .

    • Next start of studies: Bad Honnef: March / September
    • Accreditation: FIBAA accredited
    • Credits: 210 ECTS
    • Course language: 100% English
    • Degree: Dual Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
    • Study model: on campus
    • Campus: Bad Honnef & Partner university abroad
    • Duration: 7 semesters
    • Internship: 1 semester at home or abroad
    • Study abroad: 2 semesters at one of our partner universities
    • Admission: High school diploma, technical school certificate or comparable degree; successfully completed Assessment Day; Proof of English skills

    Overview :

    A dual degree within 7 semesters

    The focus of “hospitality” is always on the guest and the associated services. In addition to the classic hotel sector, this includes the hospitality industry as well as adjacent industries, such as amusement parks, casinos or airlines, and service providers such as hospitality consulting or IT service providers. That means Hospitality Management covers a very wide field with countless, often cross-industry opportunities.
    We prepare you for this challenging environment in the International Hospitality Management degree programme with extensive knowledge – both from the hospitality industry as well as from the general management.

    You spend your 5th and 6th semester at an international partner university of the IU abroad. You have the opportunity to do an additional Bachelor degree there so that you have a dual Bachelor degree after graduation. So you will be in demand worldwide, for example in the hotel industry, in holiday resorts and clubs, but also at congress and trade fair organisers, management consultancies and specialised hotel service providers. Our programme has a practical orientation, for example through case studies, projects and field trips to renowned companies. Most of our professors and lecturers have gained many years of specialist and management experience on an international level and they want to pass this on.

    Programme Structure.

    What you will learn from us

    As part of your Bachelor degree in International Aviation Management, you will learn about the specifics of the aviation industry with its global networks, management challenges and mechanisms.

    • You develop comprehensive knowledge of law, marketing and financing in aviation.
    • You acquire basic business know-how, for example in the areas of micro and macroeconomics, statistics and accounting.
    • After choosing a specialisation, for example in airline marketing or in sales and e-commerce, you will receive further qualifications for your desired area.

    During your internship, you can use your academic knowledge outside of your studies. You will also get to know the industry better – which provides the perfect foundation for choosing your career. The internship is firmly integrated into your studies so of course you do not lose any time.

    • You can take your internship in Germany or abroad.
    • The internship usually lasts five to six months.
    • Make your first contacts in the industry.
    • Enrich your CV with an important position.
    • Use the opportunity to be hired by the company after graduation.

    A dual degree within 7 semesters.

    You spend your 5th and 6th semester abroad at one of our partner universities. We support you in the search for a suitable partner university and in preparations for your stay abroad.
    The staff of the International Office can inform you about the admission requirements of the partner universities and provide valuable orientation for a successful year abroad.

    • An academic year at one of the partner universities of the IU abroad
    • Two recognised Bachelor degrees when you graduate
    • Gain intercultural experience, broaden your horizons and get to know new cultures and people


    Studying at the IU supports and challenges you. Here is what you need to bring with you to become part of our university.

    • Secondary school diploma, technical school certificate or equivalent
    • Equivalent qualifications from foreign schools are recognised accordingly. The International Baccalaureate (IB) may also be recognised as an admission requirement. Talk to our student advisory service about this.

    Knowledge of English

    Since all our degree programmes are taught in English, proof of language proficiency is required (TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge). If you do not have any of the above-mentioned English qualifications yet, they can be submitted later before the start of your studies.


    The hospitality industry includes not only the hotel industry, but other hospitality related services, such as hospitality consulting and hotel project development.
    Recognition and Accreditation.
    Recognized accreditations, awards, partnerships and memberships guarantee the excellent quality of the university and its study programmes. All study programmes are accredited by the independent accreditation agency FIBAA, and recently, five degree programmes were additionally distinguished with FIBAA's rarely awarded golden Premium Seal. IU is the first university in Germany to be awarded five premium seals.

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